Air Pumps
Aquarium Chillers
Aquarium Heaters
Cleaning Equipment
Reef Octopus Protein Skimmers
Reef Octopus Water Blaster
Reeflo Water Pumps
Reeflo Replacement Parts
Aquarium Testing Equipment
ATI Lighting
Protein Skimmer
Reverse Osmosis
UV Sterilizers
Aquarium Water Pumps
Media Reactors
50 Gallon Acrylic Uniquarium Quadra Aquarium 24x24x24
Item Number: 50G UniQuadra
* denotes required field
Background Color*
You must select an option for 'Background Color'.
* Whole number only
Body Thickness - 3/8
Top Thickness - 3/8
UniQuarium is the perfect choice
for both the novice and the professional aquarium hobbyist.
Unlike conventional aquarium systems, the UniQuarium
is very easy to install and use. No drilling or plumbing
required, just add water. The UniQuarium's 3-in-1
filtration system combines chemical, mechanical, and biological
filtration for the perfect balanced environment. No more
tubes, hanging filters, pumps or hoses to detract from
the beauty of the aquarium. UniQuarium's larger
biological area and high flow powerhead make it ideal
for fresh or saltwater set-ups. UniQuariums come
standard with chambers for a heater and Clear-for-Life
Venturi skimmer (optional)
AAT offers a Lifetime Warranty against leakage on all our
ClearforLife aquariums. What does that mean? Simply this: We stand
behind our product 100 percent. Our continuing goal is to manufacture
the finest acrylic aquariums and systems available. We support that
quality with value and service.
We feel that acrylic makes a better aquarium. Acrylic aquariums are
brighter, lighter and stronger than glass tanks. Each ClearforLife
aquarium is handmade using top grade materials, precision manufacturing
processes, and the latest technological advances. Each seam is actually a
chemical bond that "welds" the pieces together there are no bubbles so
there are no leaks. Attention to detail, such as rounded safety corners,
make each AAT product a superior choice.
How do we compare? We offer the highest quality at truly competitive
prices. We provide tanks that are easy to set up, easy to maintain, and
that offer long life. Best of all, we price our products to guarantee
our customers receive top value.
Customer Product Reviews
 Aqua Euro Aqua Heat Aqua Ultraviolet Aquatic Life Aqueon ATI Lighting BiOrb Blue Line Bubble Magus Coralife Current USA Danner Deep Blue Ebo Jager Eco Plus Eheim Emperor Aquatic Finnex Hagen Fluval Hydor Seltz JBJ Kessil Kent Marine Little Giant Mag Float MarineLand Red Sea Reef Octopus Reeflo Rio Sea Clone Sicce SpectraPure TradeWind Tsunami